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Metaxentric Bushes
Metaxentric bushes have a large rubber section with the central pin offset towards one radial plane. These bushes can provide a relatively large radial deflection whilst providing excellent motion control characteristics.
The bush has the following features:
- Three dissimilar translational stiffnesses for the best vibration isolation and motion
- Load range from 138 – 464 kg
- Rising rate stiffness characteristics for overload conditions help to limit motion and transmitted acceleration.
- Robust and fail-safe, suitable for ROPS and FOPS cab
- Simple to fit, the housing lends itself to robust
Metaxentric Bushes are similar to conventional UD Bushes but with inner and outer sleeves offset radially. This feature provides a greater rubber thickness and hence increased flexibility in the normal direction of loading, whilst maintaining control in other modes and still allowing torsional movement.
The rubber section is relieved to eliminate harmful tensile stresses.
Typical Applications Include:
- Vehicle spring eye mounting
- Tilt Cab pivot bush
- Engine mounting
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